Family History

ELMER murray PDF 2017-Ancestral Background of Elmer Floyd Murray and Lydia Ann Hooley


The Purpose of Genealogy

Table of Contents to the Holley Ancestral Doc

HOOLEY Ancestral document

Jacob Beiler a 1737 Immigrant (Revised)

Yost Yoder and the YRB Yoder Family[2826]

YOST YODER in Yoder News Letter

Yost Yoder update Nov 2018 

The story that Melchior Blank

PA Medical History in the 1700s

The Roots of Jacob Kauffman KFC

Mishler Family

Troyer ancestral doc 2017

Michael Troyer Sr Family

Michael Troyer facts

Table of Contents for Troyer Ancestry

TThe Zug Family


Zaugg Zook update

Jacob Neff Part 1

Jacob Neff D Part 2

Jacob Neff D Part 3a

6 Responses to Family History

  1. Phil Troyer says:

    Oh my this is wonderful. Thank You

    I am forwarding this to my family

    Phil Troyer

    aka Phillie

  2. Ron K. says:


    I’d like to see if you have any ideas on Isaac Kauffman, b. 1693.

    I’m trying to determine who his parents were. I have heard two different opinions….one says he is the son of Jacob K. and Anna Kropf….the other says he is the brothe of Andrew and came over with him.

    Do you have any ideas on this?


  3. Dot Moss says:

    Thanks for all of the research. I enjoy reading your articles.

  4. Jim Murray says:

    Hello, John. I am James David Murray, Jr., grandson of Clarence Murray (who passed shortly before I was born. As a young child, our family went to up to Indiana (from Lakeland, Florida) probably twice to attend the family reunions. I recently discovered you documented family history from the Elmer Murray family reunion in 2017. I was blown away with the information I read. Thank you for all of your incredible work and for making it available online. Perhaps I someday can take my (now young adult) children and to a reunion for discover a whole new world of family and friends!

    • johnfmurray says:

      Hi James. Thank you for your note and kind words. It is always interesting to hear from persons who have read my work. Do you still live in Florida? We are living in a retirement center in Hesston, Kansas. I would enjoy having a conversation with you sometime. Our land line is: 620-951-8063; or my wife’s cell phone is: 219-921-3420 (an Indiana number! ) We are available most any time.

  5. Oh this is fantastic, what an amazing amount of work has gone into it. I was very interested in the Hooley article especially although it looks like the charts, etc. are not here. I found there are three libraries in the US that have copies and will be visiting on of them soon unless there is an easier way to get the complete document. Thank you so much for all of this!

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